With individual reflection and group discussion questions.


PDF download of the book.

Did you know the endorsements in Purposefooled are written by “regular” people who don’t have a following, a platform, or a public ministry?

  • “I work a normal nine-to-five job, and I promise there will never be any missionary biographies or sermon illustrations written about me. I’ve often wondered if I’ve missed my purpose or true calling in life. Purposefooled gave me a biblical paradigm for purpose, exposed some of the lies I was believing, and showed me that rich purpose in life can be found right where I am.”

    Landon Schott, husband, father of four, and engineering analyst

  • “I have often found myself drowning in thoughts of being extraordinary at something in life! As I left the teaching field to care for my family, I just didn’t feel good enough. I wasn’t doing many of the great things I saw other Christians doing. Purposefooled has reminded me of my true purpose.”

    Megan Dotson, millennial wife, stay-at-home mother, parent caregiver, and former teacher

  • “When I read the first few chapters in Purposefooled, it took my breath away and helped me realize what God truly wants from me: just to be in his presence. It was such a relief to me. It was like this weight was lifted off my shoulders and brought tears to my eyes.”

    Josh Harmison, nineteen-year-old cancer patient

  • “As a former head college basketball coach and now pastor, I certainly see my desire to be elite, unique—to be great! The measuring stick has been so prominent in my head for most of my life. Kelly identifies the desire in so many of us to be extraordinary and to accomplish great things but then goes to the scriptures to show us that the extraordinary life we seek is truly found in knowing Jesus.”

    Brandon Curran, husband, dad, pastor, and former college basketball coach

  • “Purposefooled was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me as I transition from a busy life filled with parental purpose to an empty nester, grandmother, and caregiver of my elderly parents. Kelly’s words inspired me to truly enjoy knowing Jesus in the challenging and quiet moments of my life.”

    Shelly Slack, wife, mother, grandmother, parent caregiver, and small group leader

  • “Transitioning from high school to college felt like aimlessly wandering around trying to make myself marketable. I worried that I wouldn’t make it far in this world. But Purposefooled was like a lighthouse that helped me understand what it means to find a God-centered purpose.”

    William Collins, college student, middle child of six, filmmaker, and dreamer

  • “As a single in her thirties who once lived overseas as a missionary, Purposefooled gave hope to my searching heart by reminding me that my purpose is not wrapped up in my vocation, my performance, or my marital status. Future titles like ‘wife’ and ‘mom’ don’t hold my purpose, but neither do past titles like ‘overseas missionary.’ This book offers freedom and hope no matter what season of life you find yourself in.”

    Caitlin Carpenter, thirtysomething verb-addict working at a local church in the suburbs

  • “If you could read only one book in the next year to change your life, it should be this one. Kelly has done a masterful job paving the road for us to truly see that we have only one purpose: to love God with all that we are. Every Christian should read this book!”

    Dave Hanson, business entrepreneur, grandfather, and church leader, still under construction

  • “I’ve been a driven person for as long as I can remember. I didn’t even realize how much of my drive was searching for my purpose . . . in my work, my parenting, and even my friendships. Purposefooled reminded me that I don’t need to work for my purpose but can simply receive from the One who created me.”

    Sheri Lee, wife, mom, “Gigi,” church staff member, and chronic overachiever

  • “Just a warning before you read this . . . you will feel the collapse of the social norms we all grew up with, and it will create tension as you wrestle with the truth. Purposefooled has brought me back to the foundation of my faith. You’ll be hard-pressed to stay the same after reading.”

    Joshua Hawkins, business owner, husband, and father


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