This Could Change Your Evangelism Forever

Do you wish you had more of a drive to share your faith? Feel guilt about not talking with folks you care about? Let us light a fire under you today with a fresh (biblical) perspective on evangelism. Also, discover the all-time most awkward "first kiss" story in history. 🥴

The Short Story:

How do we keep God at the center of our evangelism? Or maybe we should ask, how could we not keep God at the center of our evangelism?

Evangelism is sharing the good news of the gospel 🎉

So how could we get that wrong? Well, friends, it comes down to motivation.

Here’s what motivates most of us in evangelism:

We want to see the people we love go to heaven!

This is a great reason to share our faith! Paul says it this way…

Even God feels this way!

It’s great to want our loved ones to be with God forever. But… 

Have we left Someone out?

As we care for those around us, do we remember the One who makes salvation possible?

When was the last time you felt grieved over the sins of those around you? Grieved that God wasn’t being rightly glorified in the lives of others? What would happen if our desire to share our faith began with God? Our natural response is to center evangelism around people. But it should actually be centered around God Himself!

Answering the command to bring God glory is the catalyst we need to get over ourselves and our discomfort with the Gospel.

When we share the Gospel with God’s glory as our motivation, it changes how we share it:

  • Accept Christ and your life will get better. ➡️ Accept Christ and your life will bring God glory!

  • Accept Christ and you won’t hurt anymore! ➡️ Your sin is offensive to God, so trust Jesus and be cleansed.

  • Accept Christ so you can have meaning. ➡️ Accept Christ so you can have a relationship with God and serve Him forever!

It isn’t just about someone not going to hell. It’s more - it’s about someone turning from their God-forsaking ways to a life that gives God glory! 💗

Application questions:

  • Does your burden for evangelism begin with God or with people?

  • Why does your motivation behind evangelism matter?

  • How does your prayer for evangelism change when God is at the center?

  • Dedicate some time to memorizing Psalm 119:136.

  • Jimmy’s Challenge: Make time this week to pray for a specific unsaved friend with a God-centered prayer. Consider how you can keep God at the center of your next conversation with him/her!

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How to Make God Center of Your Life


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