Saved for God's Sake!

In past episodes, we've looked at how God saves people. But have you ever asked the question why? Why is God in the business of saving? Is it to give folks the gift of heaven? Can He simply not help Himself? Or is there something even more wonderful going on? Here's a hint...the answer's in the title. Join us today as we discover how God is the center of everything, including our salvation.

The Short Story:

Surprise! Jimmy’s bringing a really cool historical science lesson! Ptolemy vs. Copernicus - aka - earth-centered solar system vs sun-centered solar system.

Well, you know who wins.

Guess who wins in the Me-centered universe vs. the Son-centered universe? Yup, Jesus wins—every time.

We tend to think that we are the primary beneficiaries of our salvation. But is that right? Or is my salvation for more than just me? 

Answer: God saved His people for our sake but ALSO for His sake.

Let’s see what the Bible says about this

Ezekiel 36:22-32

Ezekiel is speaking about the new covenant. God promises to clean and renew the hearts of His people! Great!

But then God says, “Understand that it is not for your sake I am about to act, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

How can this be?

The Israelites were not following the commands of the Lord. Their actions hurt God's reputation in the eyes of the nations around Israel. Ouch.

So who is He acting for? Not for their sake, “but for the sake of my holy name.”

God draws sinners to Himself FOR HIMSELF. Wow!

Ephesians 1:3-14

Paul answers the question “Why did God save us?” by saying this, “To the praise of the glory of His grace.” And he repeats this reason two more times in the chapter.

In verses 11 and 12 he says that in Christ we have been claimed as God’s own possession so that we would be the praise of his glory.

God predestined us. Jesus died for us to give us an inheritance. Why?

Again in verse 14, Paul answers “to the praise of his glory.”

Why?? So that you and I would forever be focused on God and awestruck in our worship of the One who acts so mercifully toward sinners. Our salvation is for God!

This begs the question… Is God prideful and narcissistic to want to be the center of everything?

If the sun were to be plucked from the center of the solar system, everything else would be destroyed. ☀️It is good for everyone that the sun is the center. The rightful place for God to be is the center of our lives since He is the creator, author, and sustainer of this world. He deserves nothing less. And it’s good for us as well!

If salvation was just for your benefit, then it is easy to believe that how we live doesn’t matter. But if our salvation is for God’s benefit, then we are just getting started in our journey of sanctification (the process of becoming more like God’s Son).

Application questions:

  • What does God being the center of our universe mean for our salvation? How does this impact our life practically in the day-to-day?

  • What do you think John Piper meant when he said “When God exalts Himself, He IS loving us!”?

Want to ask us a question? Email

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