How Do I Know My Calling?

Questions we all ask: Am I in the right job? What work would most fulfill me? What do I do if my boss is Michael Scott from ‘The Office’? 

Are we even asking the right questions?

The Short Story (Jimmy’s Version):

Marry a band member so you don’t have to pay her. JUST KIDDING! Geez, guys. Please don’t think so low of me.

Kelly: Anyways…

How is God at the center of my work?

Let’s start with clearing this up: EVERYONE works. You don’t have to have a formal employer or collect a paycheck to have responsibilities. Moms and caretakers, you know taking care of family is work. These principles apply to everyone!

Reasons our culture gives us for work:

  • Self-actualization - I will be great doing this! I was made to do this!

  • Fulfillment - I will find joy doing this. It's exciting & fun!

  • Wealth - I will get rich doing this!

What do you notice about all of these reasons? They’re all ME centered! What can I get out of this?! 👀

What does the Bible say about our work?

Who are we working for?

The Bible is less interested in what we do and more interested in who we do it for!

Here’s what matters: All of our work has purpose because it is being done for the Lord.

You aren’t called to a job. You’re called to a Person. Just read Kelly’s book Purposefooled. There’s a whole chapter in there about this!

 When you’re called to Jesus and not your job, you can transition jobs without your identity falling apart. 

What are we working for?

Friends, money isn’t the end-all-be-all.

We tend to view ourselves as the providers. But it’s actually God who provides for us. Yes, we have a role to play. We are called to hard work and obedience. But chasing after wealth isn’t God’s purpose for us in our work.

Why are we working?

So why do we work? We work for the glory of God! That His fame would spread in our workplaces through how we carry ourselves, how we trust him, and how we treat others. You are an image-bearer of God. You are a testimony. How you work and your work attitude communicates says something about God to those around you.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if Christians were known for their work ethic and great attitudes?

Application questions:

  • What is the work that God has placed in front of you?

  • Have you fallen into the trap of viewing your work as your calling? As part of your identity?

  • What factors are worth considering before changing jobs?

  • Consider your work life. What have your job performance and general attitude toward work been saying about who God is? Does your speech about work need to change?

  • Dedicate some time to memorizing Philippians 2:14-16. 

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