5 MUST-KNOW Truths About Your Bible

You NEED the Bible. Every day. In every area of life. But how much do you know about your Bible? How seriously should you take it? How reliable is it? What should you expect to get from it? Let’s have the Good Book itself tell us in today’s episode.

5 Crucial Truths to Know About Your Bible

(before you read it)

  1. It's inspired.

The God of the UNIVERSE took time to write down words so that we can know Him!!! Wow! That’s amazing!


The Greek word “theopneustos” has been translated as “inspired”. It literally means “breathed out”.

He used humans to write out His words. He used people from various cultures, continents, stages of life, jobs, and over the course of about 1,500 years! Only God could use such a diverse group of people and still have them write a consistent message!

This is no normal book! God carried men along to write what He wanted!


2. It's sufficient.

It is all you need for life and godliness. Our world loves to inundate us with information. You can find a written resource on every topic imaginable. But all you need is the Bible!

Catch that? It makes us complete! It’s all you need!

The longest chapter in the Bible is centered around scripture:

If you study the Bible, David says we’ll be wiser than enemies, teachers, and even previous generations. Don’t you want to know how to handle life better? Then we gotta read our Bibles!

We need spirit-filled leaders to study the deep theology of God to help us make sense of it. Don’t overlook the influence of godly teachers in our lives!

3. It’s a library.

The Bible is a collection of books that contain a variety of genres. Each genre must be approached differently. There are historical books that are descriptive. There are also teaching books that are prescriptive in that we are to follow their directions.

4. It's one story.

There is one, big, narrative arch running throughout these 66 books. One unified story about... a glorious King, a kidnapped bride, and the victory He won, so she'd be at His side!

The more time you spend in His Word, the better you will be able to trace the storyline of redemption!

5. It's a means to an end.

The Bible is meant to be a bridge to a living God. He exists and can be personally known. But when we gain head knowledge and stop short of having a personal relationship, we are like the Pharisees.

Jesus is telling them to read the scriptures and follow them by becoming personally acquainted with Him. If you’re doing all you can to know God’s Word but forget to seek Him personally, then you’re missing the whole point!

Don’t make the mistake of loving the book but not the Person.

We’re so excited to discover with you why we need the Bible to know God better - and to keep reminding you that everything gets better when God is at the center!

Application questions:

  • Take some time to reflect on these 5 truths about the Bible. Which one stands out to you the most and why?

  • Test your knowledge: Write out (or journal) the story of redemption through the whole Bible. What contribution to the overarching story does each book make?

  • Work through this resource: How Should We View the Bible?

  • Dedicate some time to memorizing 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Want to ask us a question? Email question@clearlypodcast.com.

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