Food & the Bible

Our world is becoming very opinionated about food. The Whole 30, Organic, Gluten Free, Farm-Fresh, Local, Paleo, GMOs, Food Allergies, Sugar Free, All Natural. These are all buzz words we hear more and more every day. Documentaries like Supersize Me, Food Inc, Forks over Knives, and That Sugar Film have all presented different problems and solutions that relate to what and how we eat.

There are a lot of opinions from a lot of people on what we should eat, why we struggle with food, and how to fix it. While observing the trends in food issues, I started to ask myself the question: what does the Bible have to say about food.

The answer: surprisingly a lot!

I am going to be posting regularly about food, but with the perspective of observing what God has to say to us about it all. It's been shocking how timely His Word has been to me in 2016. I hope it will be an encouragement, an eye opener, and a warning.

I know there will be objections that sound like: "The wheat back then isn't the same wheat as today. The things we are dealing with now didn't exist when the Bible was written." If the Bible doesn't apply to situations that have changed since it was written, then there's a whole lot of God's written word that we should discard simply because cars, computers and the internet didn't exist then.

I am writing this series on the foundational truth that the Word of God (the Bible) is infallible, eternal, living and active, just as relevant and applicable today as the day it was written, and the final authority on all of life. Every word is inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore is all we need for life and godliness. If you do not share this belief, then this whole series may not make sense to you at all, since it is my very foundation for even writing it.


I'll treat this page like a table of contents, as I add to this series, I will link all posts to this one so they are easy to find.

I hope, through this series, you will find freedom. The truth will always set us free. And seeing God in His proper place and seeing food in its proper place has been a freeing and relieving journey for me. I pray it will be the same for you.

Good Food, Bad Food

Not By Bread Alone

When Eating is Sinful

Do We Give Food Too Much Glory?


Food & the bible series


Food & the bible series 〰️


Let Me Fail


Good Food, Bad Food